Studies of osteopathy
The exercise of osteopathic medicine has become an independent profession requiring a six years studies. The quality control is taken on charge by the "Verband der Osteopathen Deutschlands" (VOD). The studies of osteopathy are based as the academic medicine, on anatomy, physiology, pathology etc.
In addition specific osteopathic subjects are taught.
The studies are focussed on the knowledge and comprehension of the interaction of organs, ligaments, vasculature and nerves of healthy and ill people. Therefore the osteopath obtains for each patient an entire, logically individual view of how the cause had created the symptoms.
The osteopath makes a diagnosis and prepares a well elaborate treatment plan he will adhere.
German Literature about osteopathy
- Osteopathie - Sanftes Heilen mit den Händen (Newiger)
Wie gezielte Berührungen Ihre Selbstheilungskräfte fördern. - Osteopathie - So hilft sie Ihrem Kind (Beinborn, Newiger)
Die sanfte Behandlung mit den Händen, wie sie bei den häufigsten Beschwerden hilft. - Osteopathie (Tempelhof)
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